Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical
Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical
A Christmas Musical

The Story
The Characters
The Songs
The Script
The Package
Order Form
Picture Gallery
The Composer
New! Hope TV







All about Papa Panov - A Christmas Musical

Suitability for
Elementary/Middle Schools

  • Short enough not to require months of intensive rehearsals.
  • Long enough to justify an evening performance (or three or more evenings).
  • A large cast of children can easily be accommodated - the school that premiered the musical had a chorus of almost 80 children!
  • Staging can be as elaborate as needed. It could also be very minimal if necessary.










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©2001-2019 Alex Robinson.  Email

100-837 Eastvale Dr, Ottawa, ON, K1J 7T5, CANADA | Tel: 1-613-400-1934